Re: Designing a campaign for effective communication on fashion waste and sustainable practices
in India
Project Type
Branding, Campaign Design. Website Design, Social Media and Films
Every year, the fashion industry is responsible for 1.2 BN. tons in greenhouse (GHG) emissions, amounting to 8 to 10% of the carbon footprint worldwide.
Consumers today are rarely aware of the negative impact they cause on the planet every time they buy a new piece of clothing. If they throw a piece of cloth away, their impact is twice as bad. As of today, even in India where there is a strong recycling business, the % of actual recycled clothes and fabrics still remain very low. India itself has 75% of its clothes going to landfills.
How might we shift the perception of our audience towards extending the life of clothes and building a positive image of durability?
How can clothes be reused and locally sourced?
How can we change the fashion industry’s perception of circularity and local communities?

The objectives of the fashion waste campaign were :
To increase the awareness of fashion waste in India, among all social classes
To educate people and fashion stakeholders in India to actively play a part in reducing fashion waste
To create and activate an ecosystem of fashion communities, NGOs, and businesses that are firmly committed in taking real steps towards a cleaner planet, and a more equitable world
To develop and activate overall waste campaigning within the created ecosystem
Kaboom had to come up with a brand identity, logo and the entire design system of a millenial and Gen Z focused Fashion waste Campaign.

Kaboom arrived at a brand identity that naturally lends itself to the design system. The brand identity was Re.
Re. is not just a word. Re. is a system. Re. is all-encompassing.
Re. gives rise to an opportunity to play on and become a predominant term within the sustainability movement.
Re. allows us to explore a gamut of terms and use them across the campaign in a relevant and interesting manner while keeping it highly Re.cognisable.
Re. allows us to be agile, yet explore a wide range of issues, as intended by the campaign.
Re. lends itself to the entire movement and beyond through its Re.use.
Re. would be Re.petitive, intentionally and unintentionally, ensuring a high Re.call value amongst the audience. Re is young and will Re.sonate with the Gen Z audience.
Re. used in the right context helps connect with anyone interested in the idea of Re.cycling, Re.using and Re.paring.

Various creative elements and collaterals were designed as a part of the campaign, such as:
Branding (logo, labels,flyers)
An interactive Website
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Films and Photo Stories